PMO, Portfolio, Program, and Project Advisory

At Stratigema, program and project management approach emphasizes on the identification and achievement of benefits to the end user. Stratigema’s Delivery Framework (SDF) provides an effective approach to supporting our high-quality program and project management methodologies and solutions.

Stratigema’s delivery execution ability to combine the functions inherent to program, project, risk management and support to development of strategic policy ensures the successful realization of business transformation and technology based programs.

What We Do

For us, everything starts with a problem that needs a solution. We act as an independent partner for clients looking to procure defined services and develop specific capabilities. We assist our clients to rationalize and solve intractable problems by providing analysis, advice and assurance. At Stratigema, with the strategy of uncovering the risks and issues earlier, we get under the skin of a problem to enable our clients in making sound decisions about cost, time and performance.

How We Help

Our team works with our clients to define, deliver and adapt plans to take best advantage of the political, financial and organizational environment. Adept at defining and engaging the right stakeholders.

Stratigema’s team of experts provides advice to our clients by:

  • Robust analysis: Producing focused research and options for effective strategic and tactical decision making.
  • Impartial advice: Providing independent advice across the entire program / project lifecycle.
  • Transforming decision-making: Ensuring requirements are understood and most optimal option is chosen.